Thursday, May 28, 2020

Lesbian erotica

If you like lesbian domination erotica, you may like the Cara books.


Ol'Ben said...

I didn't really enjoy the stories, but I did enjoy the clue (to the continuing anti-miscegenation bias of a certain international megacorporation :^) hiding in the excerpt 'Infamous Forbidden Original Chapter Three of “Impossible Seduction 7”'. It made me recall an experience I had in the Washington D.C. Metro area, back in the previous century.

I was heading home late one night, maybe from an evening class, maybe a movie, I don't remember why, when I came across a lady having car trouble. I stopped to help, pushing her car out of traffic, and offering a bit of money for the phone at a nearby gas station, long since closed for the day. A police car prowled by, and the driver yelled out something very unprofessional to let us know he did not approve, then drove off. Why? Not being telepathic, I cannot say for sure, but I am pretty confident it was because I was a (not so old back then) white man and she was a colored woman!

While we're on the subject...did you know that you do NOT have to choose between two hypocritical old white men for President this fall? Check out!

Eolake Stobblehouse said...


I think the Impossible Seduction stories are well inferior to the Cara stories.
(Although of course taste is inscrutable.)

Great lesbian scene

 Models “Blue Angel” and “Eufrat”. Such beautiful girls, and how they are into it!